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Ashley Burk

B.Eng., LL.B.
Ashley Burk is a lawyer and the founder of Burk Law PC.
Ashley provides legal advice to Feng in the areas of patent and trademark law, IP licensing, and corporate law. Following many years of representing clients in a variety of industries, Ashley is able to advise on the broader, practical impact of legal decisions on the business. Ashley works with Feng to harness the power of IP to advance business, grow revenues, and most importantly, to assist Feng in its goal of helping other businesses implement Earth Honouring Systems.
Ashley’s litigation experience includes appearances in trademark and copyright matters before the Canadian Federal Court, Ontario Superior Court of Justice, and the Trademarks Opposition Board. She has also represented clients in domain name dispute proceedings before WIPO and CIRA.
Ashley graduated from the University of Ottawa with a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.), and is called to the Ontario bar. Ashley is a Trademark Agent licensed to practice in Canada. Prior to attending law school, Ashley graduated from Carleton University with a Bachelor of Engineering in Engineering Physics (B.Eng.).